This website is run by Professor Martyn Cobourne and Dr Andrew DiBiase.
Martyn Cobourne is Professor of Orthodontics at King's College London and Hon Consultant in Orthodontics at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. He also works in specialist orthodontic practice in Petts Wood and Orpington, Kent.
Andrew DiBiase is a Consultant in O
This website is run by Professor Martyn Cobourne and Dr Andrew DiBiase.
Martyn Cobourne is Professor of Orthodontics at King's College London and Hon Consultant in Orthodontics at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. He also works in specialist orthodontic practice in Petts Wood and Orpington, Kent.
Andrew DiBiase is a Consultant in Orthodontics at East Kent University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and works in specialist orthodontic practice in Canterbury, Kent.
We have now written three editions of the popular Elsevier textbook Handbook of Orthodontics, which presents a comprehensive overview of orthodontic theory and clinical cases with strong emphasis on evidence based orthodontic care.
We also run an Evidence Based Orthodontics Facebook group containing regular updates and summaries relating t
We have now written three editions of the popular Elsevier textbook Handbook of Orthodontics, which presents a comprehensive overview of orthodontic theory and clinical cases with strong emphasis on evidence based orthodontic care.
We also run an Evidence Based Orthodontics Facebook group containing regular updates and summaries relating to evidence based orthodontic care:
This site provides a forum for those interested in evidence based orthodontic treatment and acts as a repository for our recently published articles.
It also includes details of our course on Evidence Based Orthodontics, which provides a comprehensive update on the current evidence base relating to evidence based orthodontic care.
This cour
This site provides a forum for those interested in evidence based orthodontic treatment and acts as a repository for our recently published articles.
It also includes details of our course on Evidence Based Orthodontics, which provides a comprehensive update on the current evidence base relating to evidence based orthodontic care.
This course is provided regularly in the United Kingdom and internationally using both face-to-face and online formats.